Welcome back, here we go with another beatiful landscape, this time we are heading north straight to County Antrim in the very north of the island.
This garden was started around 1995 when he dug the pond. The story of this garden is as well the story of a man, Sam Whiskey, and how he transformed of a muddy field into a place of enjoyment and conteplation. Once again life taught us that some things are not so easy to get, and if you want something extra-special, you have to fight for it.
And now, something every of us must know, if you are going to have a japanese dinner:
Japanese etiquette
Food should not be transferred from one's own chopstick to someone else's chopstick. Japanes people will always offer their plate to transfer it directly or pass a person's plate along if the distance is great.
The pointed ends of the chopsticks should be placed on a chopstick rest when the chopsticks are not being use. However when chopsticks rest are not available a person may make a chopstick rest by folding the paper case that contained the chopsticks.
Reversing chopsticks to use the opposite clean end is commonly used to move food from a communal plate, although it is not considerd to be proper manners. Rather, the group should ask for extra chopsticks to transfer food from a communal plate.
Chopsticks should not be crossed on a table, as this symbolizes death, or vertically stuck in the rice, wich is done during a funeral.
It is rude to rub wooden chopsticks together after breaking them apart, as this communicates to the host that the user thinks the chopsticks are cheap.
Chopsticks should be placed right-left direction; the tipsshould be on the left. Placing diagonal, vertical and crossing each stick are not acceptable both in home and retaurant manners.
And, this is it, for now. Write you soon.
So beautiful!!!